• DasDas Uluslararası Projeler Direktörü

    Doç. Dr. Leman Yılmaz, Galatasaray Lisesi’nden mezun olduktan sonra, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde Sosyoloji okudu. Daha sonra yine Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde “Cumhuriyet Dönemi modernleşme sürecinde Türkiye’de Dans” üzerine yüksek lisans tezini tamamladı. Doktora sürecinde İstanbul Üniversitesi’ne geçen Yılmaz, burada “Dans ve Tiyatroda Hareket” üzerine çalıştı. Doçentlik ünvanını “Sahne Sanatları Yönetimi” alanında aldı.

    Bütün bu süreç devam ederken aynı zamanda Milliyet, Yeniyüz Yıl, Radikal gibi gazetelere tiyatro ve dans üzerine yazılar yazıp röportajlar yaptı. 2000 yılında ise bir yandan öğretmenlik hayatı başlayan Yılmaz’ın Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi’nde başlayan öğretim hayatı, Beykent Üniversitesi’nde devam ettikten sonra, bugün de Bilgi Üniversitesi’nde ders vermeye devam ediyor. 1998-1999 yılları arasında Tarih Vakfı’nda proje koordinatörlüğü yaptı. 2000 yılında Fransız Kültür Merkezi’nde kültür müdürü asistanı olarak çalışmaya başladı. 2004 yılında Lozan’a giderek Vidy Tiyatrosu’nda Heiner Goebbels’in Eraritjaritjaka adlı oyununda yönetmen asistanı olarak çalıştı. Lozan’dan döndükten sonra Kültür Üniversitesi’nde ders vermeye başladı. 2005 yılı Şubat ayında İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı’na geçti ve Tiyatro Festivali’nde o zamanki direktör Dikmen Gürün’ün yardımcısı olarak işe başladı. Daha sonra ise Dikmen Gürün görevini 2013 yılında kendisine devretti. Leman Yılmaz 2013-2022 yılları arasında sürdürdüğü İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali direktörlüğünden 4 Şubat 2022’de’ ayrıldı ve 7 Şubat 2022 tarihinde DasDas ekibine katıldı. Yılmaz, Eylül 2023’te “İO Uluslararası İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali” adı altında yeni bir tiyatro festivalini hayata geçirdi.

  • At the age of 14 (1978), Cengiz Özek learned how to handcraft Karagöz figures from his arts teacher Ali Kıyak, who was a student of the great Karagöz master Ragip Tuğtekin. Without any additional lessons in performing, Özek developed his skills on his own and made his first show at the Atatürk Bookstore in Istanbul. Özek opened his first Karagöz exhibition at Kazım Taşkent Arts Gallery when he was 17 years old (1981). After much interest by the visitors, he continued to host further exhibitions at Topkapı Palace, Hagia Sophia Museum and private galleries. Until today he has opened more than 30 exhibitions, also in foreign countries such as Rome (1996),

    Strasbourg (1997 & 1999), ermany, Leipzig (2008), Colombia, Cali (2003 & 2014), Bad ,Kreuznach, Germany (2017), Malmedy, Belgium (2016), Pecs, Hungary (2017). Collections of Özek can be found permanently at the National Museum of Holland, Pakistan Lahor Puppet Museum, Taiwan Taipei Puppet Museum, Taiwan Taipei Puppetry Art Center, Doha Qatar Islamic Arts Museum, Germany Stuttgart Linden Museum and Spain Tolosa Puppet Museum. He also curated a vast exhibition on Karagöz for the Yapı Kredi Culture & Art Center (with a detailed exhibition catalogue) and took in charge as editor for a Karagöz book published by the Istanbul Municipality Publishing House. Later on he studied miniature painting and drawing which gave him the chance to take part in restoration projects of important places such as the Blue Mosque, Topkapı Palace,

    Grand Bazar and the Hagia Irini Church. In 1986 he entered the Istanbul Theatre Conservatory. After his graduation he worked as Director, Manager, Stage Designer, Actor, Costume Designer and Graphic Designer at important theatres such as the National Theatre, Istanbul City Theatre, Bakırköy Municipality Theatre, Dormen Theatre and Kenter Theatre. He was the Stage Designer of various theatre plays at Kenter Theatre. He also teached in Mimar Sinan Conservatory on Traditional Turkish Theatre. Cengiz Özek wanted to pursuit a different direction with Turkish shadow theatre. After performing most of the classical Karagöz plays, he decided to produce new performances with the spirit of today’s audiences and emphasize his work on manipulation technique and

    structure of today’s puppet theatre. Thus he created “Magic Tree”, “Garbage Monster” and “Magic Lamp”. he first production was “Magic Tree”, a play based on the shamanistic sources of Karagöz and compiles elements from a selection of the authentic and old performances still known. Having a vast repertoire of classical Karagöz plays, Cengiz Özek Shadow Theatre produced its first modernization of Karagöz with “Garbage Monster” with the theme of environmental awareness. Throughout his career as a Shadow Master (Hayali), Cengiz Özek has until today done workshops, conferences, exhibitions and performed more than 1000 times abroad as well as received various awards around the world.

  • Born in 1966. Got her B.S. and M.S. (Dissertation:“Representation of Women and Family in Republican Turkish Drama”) from Sociology department in Middle East Technical University. Got her pedagogy certificate from Yildiz Technical University. Her Ph.d. dissertation was “Problematic of Intercultural Staging in the Modern Theatre” in Ankara University. Giving dramaturgy and theatre theory courses since 2004 in Beykent University, Istanbul University, Halic University, Anadolu University, Istanbul Aydin University, and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Got her “assoc. prof. degree” with his book “To Manage or Not to Manage: Guidebook for Arts Management”.

    Began to work as a PR director in Ankara State Theatres. Working as a dramaturg in Istanbul State Theatres since 2001. She worked as an assistant artistic director between 2009-2014 in the same theatre. Worked more than 40 plays in State Theatres and commercial theaters as a production dramaturg and assistant director. She got “the best dramaturg” award from İsmet Küntay Theatre Awards, Lifetime Achievement Award of Anatolia Theatre Awards and New Theatre “best dramaturg” Awards.

    Working as a creative drama/theatre pedagogy leader since 1994. She did and attended number of national and international workshops and seminars.

    Working as assistant of internationally known Karagöz shadow puppet artist Cengiz Özek since 1996. Founded International Istanbul Puppet Festival together with him.